Proof of Concept Systems

Scan IT offers a range of solutions that can be evaluated online via a proof of concept


Scan IT solutions such as 3XS Office PCs, 3XS Professional Workstations, NVIDIA GPU-accelerated servers, storage appliances and networking technologies provide a high-performance IT infrastructure for organisations of any size. We want you to be sure that companies and public sector organisations have the ability to ensure an IT solution is right for their particular project or use case. So at Scan IT, we provide the ability for you to try out any of our systems as a Proof of Concept (POC) - all guided by our team of experts to ensure you get the maximum benefit and insight from your trial. POC can be arranged remotely via a secure datacentre or we can ship systems to your facilities to be evaluated in person.

Which solution is right for you?

We have a variety of solutions available for a proof of concept trial including the following.

Client Systems

Office PCs

deep learning computer system

Scan 3XS Office PCs are available in a variety of form factors, providing responsive performance in everyday office applications such as word processing and spreadsheets for your office-based and remote workers.

Pro Graphics Workstations

3xs data science workstation

Powered by NVIDIA GPU accelerators, 3XS Pro Graphics Workstations are designed for graphics-intensive workloads such as AEC & BIM, CAD & CAE and Media & Entertainment applications.

Pro Video Workstations

nvidia dgx-a100

NLE software may be resolution agnostic, but hardware is not. There are many potential bottlenecks within a 4K/UHD pipeline. Whether you’re a DIT, editor or colourist our range of well-balanced, powerful, reliable desktop and laptop 3XS Pro Video workstations deliver the real-time intuitive performance you require.

Pro Audio Workstations

nvidia dgx-a100

3XS Pro Audio desktop and laptop workstations are optimised for recording and mixing music on your PC. We test our DAW PCs with a wide range of software & hardware with a focus on building powerful, low-latency, quiet digital audio workstations so that you can get on with writing and producing great music.

AI Workstations

nvidia dgx-1

Built on the world’s most advanced GPUs, our range of AI Workstations bring the power of the Ampere and RTX to your workflow. Tested and optimised with data science software built on NVIDIA CUDA-X AI, they features RAPIDS data processing and machine learning libraries.

Back End Infrastructure Systems


Advantech AI

Empower your business with a fast and reliable 3XS server. Available in a variety of form factors, all using industry standard components from class-leading manufacturers including AMD, Intel, Seagate, Samsung and NVIDIA Networking (formerly Mellanox).

GPU-Accelerated Servers

Advantech AI

Accelerate your research or rendering with a GPU-accelerated 3XS High Performance Computing system. Available in a variety of form factors with multiple NVIDIA GPU accelerators plus AMD or Intel host processors.

Scan Cloud Services and Solutions

nvidia dgx-a100

Scan Cloud can deliver a choice of either public or private cloud services. Public cloud services are delivered from secure UK-based data centres, require no hardware and provide the power of 3XS workstations to any device, anywhere. Private platforms from NVIDIA include RTX Virtual Workstation (vWS), Virtual PC (vPC) to harness the power vGPU based within your organisation.

Storage Appliances

nvidia dgx-1

When enterprise-class data management is required we can provide a host of solutions from our leading storage partners, providing high performance capacity and a rich feature set including deduplication, snapshots and cloud integration.

Hosted in Secure Datacentres

Scan IT has partnered with a number of datacentre partners to offer secure hosted proof of concept trials ensuring your data is safe whilst you sample our range of solutions. We will provide you with access these environments so you can evaluate and benchmark any systems you require.

Unitas Global
Unitas Global
Unitas Global

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